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80% of women experience tearing during labour and first-time mums are at higher risk of severe perineal tears according to The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Is there a prevention?
Childbirth is primarily about a woman, and her intuition & readiness for a childbirth.

Unfortunately, this does not come naturally to all due to barriers of modern lifestyles that prevent women from being fully connected to their body, following their intuition and trusting their body and pelvic floor.


How can Aniball naturally support and prepare women for delivery?

Aniball is a proprioceptive aid that helps women get to know their own bodies and learn to follow their intuition. Users gain control of their pelvic floor and learn how to breath effectively, which simultaneously builds their confidence in time for delivery.

Ready to enhance your patients’ birth practice?

Download the professional handbook for midwives and physiotherapists with the best evidence-based information about mental and physical birth preparation methods.

Ready for a little teaser? Is the e-book for you?

  • Today’s mothers’ profiles compared to the past generations?
  • Aniball user reports 6 months after birth.
  • Role of intuition in childbirth.
  • Aniball training combined with other perineal methods.
  • Experiences of midwives from the UK, Ireland, Holland & the Czech Republic.

Experiences of midwives from international community

Let's dive into the research results

What does the latest Aniball clinical research reveal to the medical community?

The cohort study ‘Investigating antenatal pelvic floor training using a vaginal balloon device in Czech women’ conducted by Fousek et al., published in the British Journal of Midwifery, (February 2023, Vol 31, No 2). The study shows that antenatal pelvic floor training with the Aniball device from 36 weeks of gestation in women delivering at term reduces the incidence of episiotomies (cases: 34% vs controls: 59%; P=0.007)and the total number of birth injuries (80 vs. 97%, P = 0,005).

  • This study examined birth outcomes in the Czech nulliparous women with spontaneous cephalic vaginal birth at term, comparing training with a balloon device antenatally or not training with a device.
  • The study concluded that Aniball is safe and does not increase the risk of levator ani avulsion. There was no difference in the incidence of pelvic floor injuries (levator ani muscle avulsion) between the two groups. This confirms that Aniball use does not compromise the integrity of the pelvic floor and thus does not cause urogynecological problems in the future.

Other incidental findings:

  • Exercise frequency

More frequent exercise does not lead to a further reduction in the number of birth injuries.

  • Circumference of the balloon

The most common maximum circumference was 25 cm - confirming that it is not desirable to inflate the balloon more. The aim is to reduce psychological stress and experience pressure that is allowing the woman to comfortably perform the exercises.

  • Quality of life after childbirth

Exercising women reported no reduction in quality of life. Comparing the prevalence of urinary and anal incontinence and sexual dysfunction after childbirth between the two groups: non-exercising women reported stress incontinence (p = 0.066) and impaired quality of sexual life (p = 0.14).

Moreover, the analysis of the causes of women's withdrawal after childbirth revealed a non-significant reduction in the number of vaginal extraction operations in practicing women (6.8 vs. 17.3%, p = 0.0895)

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